Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Very Important Call...

So, have you ever been lied right to your face and know that the person was lying to you? Idk how you usually feel but I always feel one of two ways.

RESPONSE1: "Wow, this person thinks I'm stupid! Haha ..." And then I proceed to giggle inside my head and listen to just how extravagant this imaginary story can get. **Ultimate Favorite!**

RESPONSE2: "Ouch, and I thought you were my friend"  Usually this response involves some emotion. **Sad Face**

Where am I going with all this?? Well,  I just had some customer service prerecorded lady tell me for an entire hour (in between short 20 second bursts of elevator music) just how important my phone call was.

Tisk Tisk...

Option 1 involved some good laughs today! **giggle**

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